
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vocabulary 4+5=6

Adroit- expert; cleverly skillful 

Amicable- showing goodwill, friendly

Averse- having a strong feeling of opposition; to oppose

Belligerent- warlike; aggressively hostile

Benevolent- expressing goodwill, kindly feelings
Cursory- going rapidly over something; to skim

Extol- to praise

Feasible- capable of being done, probable

Grimace- an ugly or contorted facial expression

Holocaust- complete destruction 

Impervious- impenetrable

Impetus- a moving force; impulse

Jeopardy- in danger

Meticulous- precise; accurate

Nostalgia- a desire to return to a former, usually happier, time in one's life

Quintessence- the most perfect embodiment of something

Retrogress- to move backwards

Scrutinize- to examine in detail; analyze
Tepid- mild; with little force

Accede- to approve

Brandish- to shake or wave as a weapon

Comprise- to include

Deft- skillful

Destitute- deprived of

Explicit- fully expressed

Extirpate- to destroy 

Inopportune- inappropriate 

Ironic- using a phrase opposite of its literal meaning.

Musty- having an odor or flavor suggested of mold

Officious- unwanted help

Ominous- threatening 

Pinnacle- the peak

Premeditated- planned in advanced

Rampant- violent

Solace- something that gives comfort

Stately- majestic; elegant

Supple- bending in a flexible way

Suppress- to keep in or repress 

Venal- able to be purchased, as a vibe

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