
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Spring Vocabulary 2

accoutrement- personal clothing
ex. I keep my accoutrements in my closet.

apogee- the highest or most distant point; climax
ex. The orbiting satellite is at it's apogee when it is furthest from the earth.

apropos- the right moment, appropriate; opportune
ex. The man waited for an apropos time to ask his girlfriend to marry him.

bicker- to engage in pointless arguments
ex. The two siblings were always bickering about the silliest things.

 coalesce- to unite or come together
ex. The small community coalesced to solve the town's financial issues.

contretemps- an inopportune moment
ex. It was contretemps when the student asked to go to the restroom during the teachers lecture.

convolution- a rolled up or coiled condition
ex. The springs were convoluted.

cull- to choose or select
ex. The team captains culled their players by skill.

disparate- unlike; different
ex. The arguing students on are highly disparate with their ideas.

dogmatic- pertaining to an official system of principles concerning faith, morals, behavior
ex. The priest is highly dogmatic and stays true to his religion.

licentious- unrestrained by law or general morality
ex. The Ancient Greek gods seem to be licentious.

 mete- to distribute
ex. The cook mete out the food in portions.

noxious- harmful to health or well-being
ex. Smoking cigarettes is noxious to one's health.

polemic- a controversial argument; controversialist 
ex.  The argument about the reality of religion is polemic.

populous- full of residents; heavily populated 
ex. Los Angeles is a populous area.

probity- honesty
ex. Abraham Lincoln was said to be full of truthfulness and probity.

repartee- a quick and witty reply
ex. The smartass student was full of repartees. 

supervene- to take place or occur as something additional
ex. The first float of the parade was supervened by a montage of other floats.

truncate- to shorten by cutting off a part; cut short
ex. The announcer was truncated by a distraction in the audience.

unimpeachable- impossible to discredit; impeccable 
ex. The young man was found unimpeachable due to his fine manners. 

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